Month: April 2015

A “Mirage?”

Source of story: Here’s Cointelpro at its finest. A photo taken from SIXTY miles away is just a “mirage”… and don’t dare question it. They are trying to pass this off as a mirage because from across the lake, the skyline would be invisible because it would be below the earth’s curvature! So now…

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Antarctic Treaty System

In 1959, the Antarctica Treaty System was signed by twelve countries, and since then some other countries have been added.   Military Bases on Antarctica [wp_lightbox_prettyPhoto_anchor_text_video link=”” width=”640″ height=”360″ text=”Click here to open the Youtube video” description=”Military Bases on Antarctica”]   THE SECRET LAND – Operation High Jump – Antarctica Expedition 1947 [wp_lightbox_prettyPhoto_anchor_text_video link=””…

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The Flipside Version

“If the Government or NASA had said to you that the Earth is stationary, imagine that. And then imagine we are trying to convince people that ‘no, no it’s not stationary, it’s moving forward at 32 times rifle bullet speed and spinning at 1,000 miles per hour.’ We would be laughed at! We would have…

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