Live! Flat Earth Map Debate: Frary, Weiss, Campanella, Nesbi
It’s been a long time coming! We are getting together to debate the AE, Square, Diamond, Gleason’s, 4th Dimension,...
The Compass And The Flat Earth! (NEW)
Lori, Lawrence, and John discuss some very curious findings about how compasses work on the flat earth. They would...
What’s The Shape Of Earth? Why Have We Been Lied To Again?
With special guests Mike Helmick, Thomas Thompson, and Kevin Rohlin. Now that we know it’s not a globe, what...
Catching Up With Lawrence And Lori: Flat Earth
Lori and Lawrence catch up after a break and go over the news in FE. Here is the Greenland...
Speaking The Truth is NOT SAFE! But It’s Less SAFE Not To!
Mirrored:Jordan Peterson is a psychology teacher who knows himself. “The truth is what redeems this world from hell!” Link...
The “Lost” Flat Earth Interview
This interview was recorded for a radio show podcast a few months ago. We thought you’d enjoy listening!
Flat Earth Review
Lori and Lawrence review the last 2 years of hangouts and what has changed and what hasn’t. Seems there...
What Is Curvature, Refraction And Convergence? Flat Earth
We’re discussing refraction, curvature, the line of convergence, prism effects, the new flat camera lens and the realm versus...