Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Part 1
Let’s first go back to the “Matrix” movies. When we watched the Matrix, we considered it as fictional and an action movie that portrayed humans as being in separated pods and being connected to the machine’s artificial intelligence. Those that “unplugged” from the Matrix were still human biological beings, but they were outside of the machine-controlled Matrix.
The Matrix ran simulated programs that each human believed was reality. There was one generalized reality and yet each person in their pod was separately having their own individual experiences.
The general simulation included the world and all of its people with the belief that everything is connected via the same reality. Inside this matrix, your brain is a separate program within the general program. But, once you unplugged or were outside the matrix, your brain was free of both the generalized program and your individual matrix program so your experiences were no longer controlled by the matrix. Was the matrix supposed to represent singularity, this simulated connection to this common reality?
Most research describes singularity as, “an era in which our intelligence will become increasingly nonbiological and trillions of times more powerful than it is today—the dawning of a new civilization that will enable us to transcend our biological limitations and amplify our creativity.”
“A singularity is a paradigm-shifting event…a hypothetical event occurring when technological progress becomes so rapid and the growth of super-human intelligence is so great that the future after the singularity becomes quantitatively harder to predict.”
And even…
Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights.
According to techno-futurists, the exponential development of technology in general and artificial intelligence (“AI”) in particular — including the complete digital replication of human brains — will radically transform humanity via two revolutions. The first is the “singularity,” when artificial intelligence will redesign itself recursively and progressively, such that AI will become vastly more powerful than human intelligence (“superstrong AI”). The second revolution will be “virtual immortality,” when the fullness of our mental selves can be uploaded perfectly to nonbiological media (such as silicon chips), and our mental selves will live on beyond the demise of our fleshy, physical bodies.
AI singularity and virtual immortality would mark a startling, transhuman world that techno-futurists envision as inevitable and perhaps just over the horizon. They do not question whether their vision can be actualized; they only debate when it will occur, with estimates ranging from 10 to 100 years. [Artificial Intelligence: Friendly or Frightening? ]
Inside the Matrix, there was a limited amount of what we call free will. The reason I say that is because most of the experiences you would have are programmed… and only in a microform way would you make decisions based on what the singularity programming throws at you. For example, what time to wake up or what to eat for lunch or how you did your programmed job.
In the first movie, we were shown that all humans born inside the Matrix lived their entire reality under the programming of the system. Those that were born outside the matrix lived a different existence with complete free will in an alternate reality called Zion.
Zion was perceived as the reality that existed before the machines took over.
So, my question is, what if the entire creation we live in is also a created Matrix of existence?
Before we had access to the technology that we have today we would have had no way of knowing that it was a simulation or Matrix construct. If the entirety of creation is a simulation including everything we consider natural, biological and physical how would we know the difference? Everything feels real and smells real and looks real. We bleed and feel pain and hunger and desire. We influence our surroundings. We experience consequences to our actions and even our interactions.
Everything else happening in this Matrix simulation affects us by one degree or another. We are born, we live our lives and we die. We accept that we have a soul that is separate from our biological bodies. Many of us believe our spirit or soul energy continues to exist and even existed before we were born to this simulation.
Many of us believe in a higher power
Most humans believe in a Creator or God entity. Inside this creation, this higher power (that we feel a connection to) can help us. We call this having our prayers answered. During prayer, we ask the Creator for help or advice or clarity. So, is prayer our two-way connection to the source of the code that created the simulation?
The Creator cannot be inside the simulation but can act upon it perhaps using code to alter and manipulate the simulation. It would only make sense that angels (as some call them) are working within the simulation and can act upon it or manipulate it via the source code.
Think about this; thousands of witnesses saw Jesus make bread and fishes to feed the multitudes. They watched him heal people and raise the dead. They witnessed Moses part the Red Sea. So how can these supernatural events be explained using the natural laws of man’s science?
By having the ability, via this help from outside, can the laws of nature be altered? This is considered super-natural, or above and beyond nature. Beyond the code of the simulation.
My definition of the natural versus the supernatural is everything inside the simulation is natural to the simulation. The supernatural is any manipulation coming from the source to alter the natural code. Inside the simulation, the code is equivalent to the rules of the simulation. The rules apply to everyone and everything including all entities inside the simulation.
For example, if an angel is sent inside to affect something natural, depending on the extent of the manipulation it would be referred to as supernatural. We’ve heard the term “ghost in the machine”. These code changers cannot be seen or rarely are.
Now I want to move on to what is AI really?
Artificial intelligence is the machine version of the human brain plus the connection to every bit of information available to it via the interwebs. Artificial intelligence is supposed to be the equivalent of superhuman intelligence and knowledge. The singularity is the connection of humans and artificial intelligence. So, to take that one step further, singularity is the connection to the matrix or hopefully to some, the source code or the Creator. Is the source code the Creator itself? No. It would be at minimum one level removed.
In the Bible, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” As the Messiah, he was the son of God and the human version of God. He said the only way to get to God was through him. God cannot interact directly with humans because they are not perfect or otherwise explained as “fallen”. If one believes this, then is it possible to work around Jesus and form your own connection to the source, God? Is this the intent of the agenda to get to singularity? Of which, matrix or Matrix?
In the Matrix movie, Neo was called the One.
His mission was to understand the matrix to the degree that he was able to be one with it and therefore manipulate it. Master it. The agents were designed as malware to block his way. But once he reached singularity with the matrix he was above and beyond being blocked. He was considered equal to the machines that created the matrix or otherwise considered one with the hive mind. To those inside the matrix, he would be considered supernatural by having the ability to manipulate the code.
All this thinking leads me to question whether there was a hidden agenda to purposefully put this movie out there to the public. Obviously, one agenda would be to make millions of dollars for the producers of the movie. That was easily accomplished as it was an epic production. The plot and the action were similar to so many other stories, myths, and legends that came before with the same ideas for antagonist and protagonist and an epic battle pitting good against evil and then came the resolution.
But what if there are those who already know all of this exists in some other form?
Theoretical astrophysicists have been saying for years that the universe at its most atomic level is binary code. It’s all just a sequence of zeros and ones like computer code. Elon Musk and Ray Kurzweil, among others, have been saying for years that AI is approaching singularity and very well may not be a good idea. Innovators have been striving for it since computer technology came on the scene. Man has tried to be God with efforts of cloning and genetically modifying organisms for decades. The carrot that’s been dangling is the promise of immortality.
Considering the Universal Law of Free Will…
Everything within the construct or creation as we know it is designed to allow everyone to make decisions and have experiences, be they right or wrong, based on the Universal Law of Free Will. Why would an entity create a universe where he/she/it made all the decisions for all the players? You wouldn’t because it would be boring to challenge yourself or even worship yourself without giving your creation the choice to love you or not.
So, if some humans have figured out how the construct works according to the universal law of free will, would they be breaking the rules if they manipulate everyone without everyone having their own free will to choose whether they are manipulated or not? The submatrix inside the Matrix that was originally created could easily be described or defined as government and bureaucratic layers upon layers to control and manipulate humanity.
Many people who consider themselves awakened see this submatrix inside the Matrix and there is a growing rebellion against these controls. There are many reasons why these awakened ones have figured out bits of it. Some of the reasons are because the submatrix controllers have made many mistakes and been sloppy and reactionary. Another reason is, in order to play by the Law of Free Will they have to show us in one form or another what they are doing and how they are doing it.
Let’s take for example the Flat Earth revolution.
First of all, there have always been those who perceive the earth as flat. It was not just eons ago that goat herders in archaic times had such small thinking that they could not imagine a spinning globe. This thinking has always been around through every decade. But 3-4 years ago this idea that the earth is flat suddenly grew in an exponential way all across the Earth. It appeared to me at the time that someone pushed a big button and suddenly everyone was introduced to a new flat Earth idea!
This is the reason why many people thought it was a psychological operation. Suddenly, everywhere you looked there was a flat earth video suggested to you on YouTube. Suddenly, everyone was talking about it and doing experiments and making Facebook groups, videos, websites, and blogs. Suddenly, there were gurus who seemed to understand it completely and it became “breaking news” to point out how the world works. It was as if the matrix wanted everyone to consider it. Suddenly, there were maps and legends and myths and historical data bubbling to the surface and before you knew it there were arguments and fights and differing opinions from within the arena of the flat earth community.
Curious people looking into this phenomenon of what was called the Flat Earth Movement quickly sided with one consortium or another or one guru or another. Even more curiously there grew an anti-flat Earth movement with the debunkers and scientists and mainstream media vehemently laughing at the expense of those who, at the very least, were globe skeptics.
Another example is – “The Mandela Effect” people.
This also quickly came out of nowhere and became an almost cult-like phenomenon. It happened at about the same time and in about the same method of exposure. Those who latched on to the Mandela effect immediately began gathering evidence of what either appeared to be an alternate universe or an alternate timeline or parallel universe!…because what they remembered and what they found in the current belief system and on the internet did not match with their memory. So, was the Mandela effect also another psychological operation or was it the exposing of what was called a “glitch” in the Matrix movies?
I could recite episode after episode of this kind of phenomenon. I’m sure you could too. The question is where do these phenomena originate? Are they truly grassroots awakenings or are they being manipulated and introduced by those who control the submatrix inside the Construct?
Many people inside the truth movement were in this awakening, or whatever you choose to call it, but they don’t understand that all these movements are also being manipulated from inside by those putting out information, disinformation, and misinformation and by using trolls and shills and counterintelligence agents.
That obviously makes it more difficult to sift through this mountain of info to get to the real truth of the matter. No wonder everyone’s arguing and calling each other shills. Unless you take an immense amount of time to validate where the information is coming from and driving down the twisty road to confirm not only the validity of the information but the informants themselves.
Most people don’t have time for that, so they take one of two paths, they either rely on some charismatic guru who they trust has done the research and investigation. They naturally resort to confirmation bias, or their complacency takes over and they just don’t care enough to do any of this work themselves. The rest happily go back in the matrix and forget they ever heard it. The truth movement considers those people Sheeple. At least 75 to 80% of humans more than likely fall into this category because the matrix requires most if not all their energy and attention just to get by an average day in the matrix.
It shouldn’t be any surprise that simulation theory came on the scene.
Shortly after these other theories like flat earth and Mandela effect were introduced into the human consciousness, boom, here comes simulation theory. Why? Might it be the Hegelian Dialectic at work? You know, problem, reaction, solution! When all these researchers started being globe skeptics and then many rejected the obviously introduced flat earth map and model (because it also doesn’t work). It was a natural next step to think, “Well, if it isn’t a spinning globe and it isn’t this pizza pan snow globe covered disk, that what else could it be?”
There are already multiple theories as to what simulation theory is. It is like running the gauntlet to maneuver through all the ideas being put out there.
There’s an atheist version and a Christian version and even the scientism version. Many found that scientism as science’s dogma made into a religion.
The question is, whether you believe in a Creator God or not, something created the simulation if that is what this is.
If machines created it, who or what created the machines? If the Creator created it, who created the Creator? Was there an original singularity that created this universe we live in or even created the Creator?
Was that the Big Bang that no one was there to hear or witness? There are those who believe in The Big Bang Theory and evolution and those who believe the earth and the universe were created by a God or gods. If it were created by many gods, who created them?
They are called the Matrix Manipulators.

The Organ Grinder | AnthonyClarksonArt.net
There is a term that many truthers use to identify some secret cabal or group or organization that controls the matrix of everyday life. They are called the Matrix Manipulators. If there is such a group or entity and there really is a submatrix that is the simulation inside the Simulation and they are the ones leaking out these ideas like flat Earth and Mandela Effect and the Simulation Theory itself, then it should be obvious to everyone that they are controlling the horizontal and vertical of the way we perceive all reality.
This is a curious concept considering that by the Universal Law of Free Will they have to expose the truth and their manipulation of it.
That leads to whether you care or not about the information or the truth or whether you’re simply too distracted or possibly even lazy and can’t be bothered. All the while they are trickling out truth and it appears there is no rule against simultaneously lying and distracting and manipulating everyone which is what causes the whole “I can’t be bothered” attitude.
Am I saying I fault those “I can’t be bothered” sheeple for their disinterest in what might very well be the most EPIC TRUTH affecting their entire existence?
No, I don’t, because ALL of us are trained and educated by those authority figures with everything we learn and know. This is the human culture and has been passed down through generations. Every subculture teaches its own. We are all filled with 12 years of formal education and indoctrination often accompanied by brainwashing, or mindwashing, as I like to call it.
We are all subjected to social conditioning and even social engineering along the way. We all have different focuses and intentions and distractions and experiences. All that aside, until we are triggered by something that directly affects us, we simply go along with this created submatrix.
Then one day, because of this thing that triggers us to dig deeper which is often forced upon us, we have to investigate why or how something works; like the legal system, the banking system or social politics and in this investigation we discover the lies or corruption or better yet, one of the many engineered psyops doled out for us.
Are all conspiracy theories the same?
Many in the “truth-seeking community” are introduced to the same theories, or conspiracy theories as it were because so many are connected and inextricably tied to everything else they are researching. Even this term, conspiracy theorist, was coined by the very agencies that put out the conspiracies to cover for some other lie or for limiting the amount of truth and especially for purposefully belittling those who happen upon them. More conspiracy theories turn out to be conspiracy facts than most people are aware of.
So how possible is it that we reside inside of a universal construct?
Let’s look at the timeline of mankind’s existence here. What is the beginning of the historical timeline? What recorded history do we have available to use as a guide and how much of it is true? What amount of recorded history is trustworthy since humans only have an average lifespan of plus or minus 80 years?
On the average, there are 3 generations alive at the same time. So, do we trust human memory alone? What about books like “The Holy Bible” or the “Book of Enoch” or the “Dead Sea Scrolls”? How about artifacts and carbon dating and the internet? What about maps and mythology and art and cave paintings?
As we have discovered, all of this seems manipulatable via censorship and photoshop and alterations in the reprinting of books and maps and even archeology.
We have come to rely so much on technocrats and experts and Google that most of us either bow to authority or ignore it altogether and think for ourselves.
There already is a submatrix inside the Matrix. AI is not exposing that. We already know the matrix (small m) exists, it’s what we call the beast system.
What we don’t know is whether the universe is a Matrix (capital M).
Singularity is the marriage between man and the submatrix, not man and the Matrix construct. The Creator made that construct. Perhaps Satan made the submatrix inside of it and that is what they’ve been manipulating.
They are trying to manipulate nature too. But all they can do is damage or destroy it because it cannot be improved…because it was perfect when it was created.
They are trying to ruin mankind or cull the numbers along with the rest of nature and all the while they make billions of dollars in the process, so they can live kingly lives in this place they hate so much.
The whole purpose of creating computers and hooking us all up to the Internet via our devices was about control. Then they converted everything from analog to digital for the final manipulation toward singularity which is man’s brain connected directly to quantum computing.
Right now most people have a device connected. Will the next step make everyone “the Borg” by being connected to the submatrix hive mind and that is their “singularity.”
Either you hook up or you don’t. That’s your free will, what’s left of it. What will life be like outside of their matrix? Well, I’d expect it to be similar to what they showed you it was like in the movies. Run for your lives? Hide away in “Zion?”
Biblical revelations and prophecy speak of such a time. Hard to imagine being left to our own in peace. “Hunger Games” comes to mind.
At some point, you will have to choose.
Using your last vestige of free will, will you choose to be one of the Borg hive mind or will you choose to live free and only connected to the original Creator’s construct?
So, the next time you hear the term Flat Earth, maybe you will look at it the way I do. I know I don’t live on a spinning ball flying through the vastness of space. I also know I don’t live on a flat disk with the snow globe dome over the top and the circling sun and moon.
For now, until proven otherwise, it is more believable that we live in a construct, a realm, a simulation created just for us. There certainly appears to be only one way in and one way out. You are born in and you die out.
And I consider every spirit that animates every living entity to be what life itself means. My physical existence is stuck in the submatrix inside the Matrix, but my mind and my spirit are on the outside of it…and all I can do is watch it play out and perhaps show some others what I see.
Here is the link to the video that spurred the writing of this article. It’s an excerpt from the interview between Rogan and Musk which is 2:37:00 minutes long.
THANKS for taking the time and having the interest to read.
Part 2 coming soon!
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