Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
In the first part, I explained my basic understanding of why I think we live in a construct. I also speculated on the difference between the Matrix (construct) and the submatrix and the singularity concept the computer scientists are working towards.
In part two, I’m going to delve into the specifics particular to each of these concepts. We all have a basic understanding of artificial intelligence and how it will apply to the singularity. We also have an understanding of the correlation between the movie the “Matrix” and the submatrix that most of us are in.
To further explain the submatrix, I will continue to use the example of the “Matrix” movie because most people have seen it. If you haven’t, I would suggest watching the first film in order to understand the comparisons I’m making.
Since most of you will be reading this blog from the Flat Earth Conspiracy website, it should come as no surprise as to how these topics relate.
How did I go from flat earth to simulation theory thinking?
When I started investigating the flat Earth phenomenon I was already years into investigating many of the other topics and conspiracies that most critical thinkers were questioning. I will attempt to explain the evolution of my research from truther to a general questioner of just about everything that I was told from birth.
Most of us were educated or indoctrinated with the same basic education curriculum, especially in every first world westernized nation on earth. We were taught all the same basic math, language, history, grammar, and our own national cultures. We were also taught the same basic science including the heliocentric model of the universe. At least as early as our first day of school we were presented with the globe and a model of our galaxy known as the Milky Way. Along with that, we were taught about the sun, moon, planets, and stars. We learned about gravity and earth’s rotation, axial tilt, and the Big Bang theory. It was standard curriculum to be told about the age of the earth in billions of years, evolution and even dinosaurs.
This education was packaged as true and scientific fact. If you speculated too much or had too many questions you were admonished and accused of not understanding the information. Possibly, you were considered disruptive by the indoctrinators and put in the hands of tutors to drive the information home. Perhaps even your grades suffered or you were held back a grade as punishment. Your imagination was squelched if you offered alternative explanations because what we observed did not match with what we were told.
Many of us realized the paradox between the information we were given in our formal education compared to the religion we were brought up with because there were conflicts between the two indoctrinations. Most were told that their religion overrides many of the subjects we were taught in school. An obvious example would be the creation story in the Bible school versus the Big Bang theory and evolution in public school.
When the flat Earth theory was introduced a few years ago there were also two camps. One camp was the Bible believers and the other camp didn’t seem to care about what the Bible said… they were more concerned with using the scientific method, even the Zetetic method, in their flat Earth investigation.
Either way, in questioning the heliocentric model as compared to the flat Earth theory, both the Bible and the scientific method of inquiry were used. I have used both methods in my research and my thinking was that the truth would prevail using both.
Can both the sciences and the Bible be true?
Many people compare their biblical understanding to their natural science understanding. For example; they compare passages in the Bible to mankind’s scientific explanations for the natural world. Like, for instance, the Bible says the earth is stationary and fixed in its place. This obviously goes against the scientific dogma that the Earth is spinning 1000 miles an hour at the equator. Obviously, both cannot be true. Science dictates that we live on a spinning globe zooming through space following a sun that is also zooming through space. Science dictates that everything on this globe is held in place by gravity. Flat Earthers give no credence to gravity because they show that not only is gravity not needed on a flat plane, but that density and buoyancy explains it all on a flat earth plane…that everything that goes up must come down. Since there is more than one way to skin a cat, there is more than one way to define nature and how it works.
Now let’s bring in a third way.
In my explanation of simulation theory, I will attempt to describe another way that “life, the universe, and everything” works. So, I have used the whole of the Matrix movie as a virtual simulation comparison. Now I will extrapolate on that using technology introduced decades ago to humanity. For simplicity, I’ll use the computer technology. From its simple beginning, the computer was a machine that had the capacity to compute information faster than humans.
We’ve all watched computing power grow exponentially in the last decade alone. For so many millions of reasons, computers appear to have simplified and yet advanced human potential. Is it any wonder that humans aspire to continue to innovate the power of computers?
At the same time, we have seen computers as both an advancement and a detriment to society. Regardless, few of us are completely computerless. Whether we have one in our pocket or on our lap we are managed by a computer because computers manage all of the world’s systems.
When Vernor Vinge coined the term technological singularity in the January 1983 issue of Omni magazine, few foresaw it becoming the conceptual watershed that it is now. When the idea of the singularity came into consciousness, humans immediately recognized the positive and negative aspects of this phenomenon. As with everything else humans create, it depends on the agenda of the user. We’ve already seen what happens when computing power is used in positive ways. We’ve also witnessed computing power being used to harm humans and nature.
Interview with Vernor Vinge
We’ve seen computer technology used to heal and to kill. We’ve seen computers used to communicate and to censor. Is the computer in and of itself benevolent or malevolent? The answer is neither. It is the code programmer and the end user who decides for which purpose it is used.
Programming, code, and application…
Without getting technical we all understand the basic concept behind computing and computers. We mostly understand the difference between code and programs and applications and servers and memory. Most of us grasp the concept of the internet.
So, what if our universe is an elaborate computer construct? Do the programs and the applications that manage the construct know that they are simply binary code? Do they know they survive inside of a box, on a chip that interacts with other chips?
Singularity is described as the marriage between an artificially intelligent machine and the sentient mind of mankind. In our world, artificial intelligence can only be virtual. But that doesn’t mean the programs that run the construct are simply AI running programs, does it? Maybe all of it is alive in one form or another as we know that everything is energy in one form or another. We realize a robot driven by a computer is not the same as a sentient human being in our world…but that doesn’t mean the sun is just a light running on a track or the tides aren’t powered by an intelligence of some kind. Because other than the bullshit explanations we’re given by scientism dogma, it’s anyone’s best guess.
in the Matrix movies, those inside the matrix are either connected in their pods or jacked into the matrix via a wired connection. We see the world of the machines as one reality and “the world of the real” as another reality. The virtual world the machines produce for those jacked into the matrix is much like the world we live in every day. The real world of humans outside of the matrix is dark and dreary and nearly ruined by the war between mankind and the machines.
Is the path to this ruined world what we see happening now? Look around. Compared to a century ago, the earth is much more polluted, isn’t it? There are giant heaps of plastic in the oceans and fish washing up on the beaches, dead. There are planes flying overhead puking fumes into the sky for geoengineering and fires burning thousands of acres. every day there’s more fracking and mining, poisoning the aquifers and the land. How about the myriad of inhumane industrial farms surrounded by pits of stinking excrement. The rainforests are being plundered and animal species depleted to extinction. We have more people living in stack and pack cities with millions living on top of each other with paved-over sewers and millions of miles of concrete covered with billions of cars spewing plumes of carbon monoxide. We’ve sprayed so many tons of pesticides and herbicides in the name of food sustainability along with genetically modifying nearly all of the food we consume that there are few if any uncontaminated heirloom seeds left. Doesn’t this seem to be the opposite of what good stewards of the earth should have allowed?
“For God’s sake!”, you’re thinking…how dystopian and nihilistic can you get? “You do realize there’s still plenty of beautiful pristine places left on earth, don’t you?”
Yes, sure there is. But when you take a different look at what appears to be terraforming going on everywhere, it’s hard to ignore though. We all see it. One can’t ignore all the degradation, all the pollution and the diminishing quality of the air, water, and land compared to just 50 years ago… Can one?
Not to mention the ghost cities being built all over to the tune of trillions of dollars in infrastructure…and they’re empty of souls. Why? Bad planning or planning for the future Borg hives?
Here’s where the comparison to biblical scripture comes in…
What happens when computers get a virus or malware?
When a virus enters the computer, it starts corrupting immediately. It’s bad code, dangerous, and corrupts the entire system if left to its agenda. Allow me to make a comparison between a virus or malware in the computer to “sin” as malware inside the construct. What if when you’re born into the construct you’re innocent and sinless? You have no virus and you have no malware. Let’s say as you experience life and your code becomes corrupted, you’re now considered a sinner. You have malware. Once your code becomes corrupted your machine doesn’t work as well anymore.
We’ve all had our computers corrupted or attacked by a virus or malware at some point, haven’t we? The machine slowed to a crawl and half your programs won’t open and, in essence, the machine is completely inefficient if it works at all. Often enough, your Internet carrier will cut you off by completely blocking your IP address. Now you’re not even connected to the servers of the World Wide Web. If you’re as addicted to this connection as most people are, this isolation from information, communication, and even social media is devastating. It’s almost like you’re cut off from God Himself.
Maybe it makes more sense now why God cannot interface directly with mankind. God’s realm is protected from sin or malware coming from inside the construct, so the connection must be broken.
Whether you believe in the Messiah or not is your business. But what if mankind really is fallen, really is corrupted and separated from God? What if the Messiah was sent as the fixer between you and God? What if the construct is self-contained and we cannot interface directly with the Creator because we are corrupted code now? The wifi connection to God is broken. So to be connected to something, anything, the next best thing is the submatrix. There…they gotcha.
What if when God created the construct it was perfect and “the Garden of Eden” was pure and perfectly constructed? What if Satan really did convince the first humans in this perfect realm to “sin” and “eat of the fruit of the “Tree of Knowledge” which was the code they were not supposed to have?
I could ask a thousand questions and show the comparisons between the Bible story of “creation” and a construct of creation. How would you know the difference and what difference would it make which version was the real one?
Do we live under a submatrix?
Consider this if you will…if you were Satan and you were in control inside the construct…what would you do to further divide us from God, the Creator? Maybe you would try to destroy it and corrupt it any way you could think of. Maybe the little souls and spirits of the humans were what you hated the most? Maybe you would conspire to ruin them and their little soul so you could control more people than God?
Maybe you would create a reality that looks Godforsaken? Maybe you would make the humans think there was no God and maybe you could even convince them they were gods, and all they needed was more power? Maybe through advanced technology and transhumanism – only then could they have eternal and immortal life? Isn’t that the quest of the singularity?
After all, what is the point of life? What’s it worth if all you’re going to do is die anyway and become dust and ashes? How come every book or movie about vampires or immortal beings portrays them as uber-smart and uber-wealthy?
Anyone who has ever had a relationship with a psychopath knows they want everything you have to give, and they want to be the most important thing in your life. They don’t want you to love anyone above them. They will use lies and manipulation to convince you that you need them. Sound familiar? Sound like the Matrix Manipulators? Sound like big government and the nanny state? Sound like Big Brother, the military industrial complex, the NSA, TSA, UN, FDA, and all those alphabet soup agencies? Protect and serve, right?
So what do you do with malware?
What do all the applications and programs like these have in common?
Comodo Antivirus
They search for malware and DELETE it!
What happened to Sodom and Gomorrah? It was Deleted.
The last agenda I want to address in this part…
In the first part, I talked about the Universal Law of Free Will. Because of free will, it is unlawful for Satan and his minions to control humans completely without their consent. We can’t all just be killed or imprisoned or made slaves without our consent. What is considered consent by these psychopaths? To them, anything shy of forcefully saying no is consent. Silence is consent.
So how is this submatrix allowed to exist in the first place? It’s simple, we have consented. How has this consent been given? The answer is ignorance and complacency. We haven’t fought back. We haven’t screamed, NO! If you’re wondering when you gave consent to be ruled over, indebted and governed… You consented because you didn’t fight back. If you’re wondering how this all happened without your knowledge, it’s because you weren’t paying attention to all of the signs and hints put in front of you throughout your life. You and everyone else thought, “That’s the way the system works” and “What am I gonna be able to do about it?”
What were some of the hints, you’re asking yourself? Well, anything from fake wars, fake education, fake fiat currency and fake national debt to a fake Federal Reserve. How about the biggest nations in the world writing and agreeing to the United Nations Agenda 21 and 2030 and 2050? Almost every child feels an intuition about some bullshit lie or another, but by the time they got through 12 to 16 years of socially accepted education indoctrination, they went along to get along.
Have you ever read the inscriptions on the Georgia Guide Stones?
Here, I’ll show them to you, so you can’t ignore them anymore:
…written in English, Spanish, Swahili, Sanskrit, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian.
My opinions to each are below in bold/brackets.
- Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. (How else can you maintain 500 million people? Hint: genocide)
- Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity. (How else can you control reproduction? Hint: infertility via transhumanism)
- Unite humanity with a living new language. (What is this new living language? Hint: binary)
- Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason. (How do you temper reason? Hint: hive mind)
- Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. (Laws and courts? Hint: UN control)
- Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court. (World court? Hint: New World Order)
- Avoid petty laws and useless officials. (Useless officials? Hint: one world government)
- Balance personal rights with social duties. (Balance? Hint: communism)
- Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite. (Hint: We are the Borg: You will be assimilated: Resistance is futile)
- Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature. (Repeat: Leave room for nature)If these weren’t so ominous, they’d sound like excellent rules to live by. The problem is, they will only work inside this singularity submatrix ideology.
The choice is up to you.
Believe what though wilt. Use your free will to decide if you want to live in this submatrix or take the red pill and see the real world Construct. Maybe Enoch was shown the behind-the-scenes Construction as a prophecy to be recognized by our generation now. It wouldn’t have made any sense to those back then, but it sure makes damn good sense to me now. Watchers? Gates? Portals?
Stay tuned for Part 3
1 comment on “Singularity, the Matrix and Artificial Intelligence (Part 2)”
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But what about magnetic field and tectonic movement can you please explain this.